Aspirus | Aspire | Winter 2019

8 aspire Winter 2019 Robert Martin, MD Aspirus expert offers advice on improving the health of your heart EVERY STEP counts on the path to a healthier heart. Here are five you might take along the way. You don’t have to make healthy changes like these all at once. Even one step forward is a move in the right direction on your journey. 1. SEEK SOME SWEET SLUMBER. Ongoing research has linked sleeping too little— and even sleeping too much— to obesity and diabetes, two major heart disease risk factors. “It’s not yet clear how much nightly snooze is best for heart health,” said Robert Martin, MD, Aspirus cardiologist. “But for overall health, seven to eight hours is about right.” 2. PLATE UP HEART- HEALTHY FOODS. Fill your plate with plenty of fruits and veggies and fiber-rich whole grains. ways to help 5 Tigerton,Wisconsin, resident Don McClellan